
ELEVATED Disease Protection
Phobos® FC, a ground-breaking prothioconazole fungicide, provides superior broad-spectrum protection against a wide range of foliar and soil diseases while maximizing crop performance, quality, and yield.

Enhanced disease protection compared to Proline®

Superior foliar performance delivers increased rainfastness and widespread, even leaf coverage

Easy-to-use product that is tank-mix compatible with other crop inputs, liquid fertilizers, micronutrients, etc.
CROPS* | |
SUGARBEETS | Cercospora leaf spot |
Peanuts | Cylindrackadium black rot, Early leaf spot, Late leaf spot, Southern stem rot |
Corn | Anthracnose leaf blight, Eye spot, Gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, Rhizoctonia |
Dry Beans | White mold, Ascochyta blight |
Canola | White mold, Ascochyta blight |
Soybeans | White mold, Ascochyta blight |
* For a full list of crops and pests, refer to label.
See the results

Info Sheets
Prothioconazole 3 lb AI/gal
Group 3
Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Vive Crop Protection Inc. products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Proline® is a trademark of Bayer. Allosperse®, Averland®, AZterknot®, AZteroid®, Bifender®, Phobos®, Midac®, Viloprid®, and Precision Chemistry™ are trademarks of Vive Crop Protection Inc. ©2025 Vive Crop Protection Inc.