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    Ever dealt with clogged nozzles?

    Every year, growers balance agronomic needs with efficient growing practices. Managing soil fertility, diseases, insects, and weeds can require mixing multiple products in the same tank. But this could create compatibility challenges that can totally ruin their day – and probably yours!

    Mixing issues can be anything from having products separate out, to having products turn to “jelly.” This causes plugged nozzles, uneven spray coverage, and tank or line cleanout issues, leading to poor product performance. When this happens, growers have no choice but to stop and clean out the whole system, costing time and money.

    Quality of liquid fertilizer, water hardness, temperature, tank mix partner and agitation all play a role in tank mix compatibility. Jar testing is important to ensure the products and carrier will mix before using it in your tank. For best results, you or your customer should add each product to a small container, mix and check it after 20 minutes. If the products separate and cannot be easily re-mixed, they are incompatible.

    Incompatibility: fungicide mixed with starter fertilizer

    If this happens, compatibility agents can be purchased to overcome the challenges, but these may not be effective for a specific situation. Another option is an injection system to keep products separate during application, but both of these options add additional cost and complexity.

    The simplest option is to look at the lineup of FC (fertilizer-compatible) products from Vive. Vive products are powered by nanotechnology, allowing them to mix smoothly and remain stable in difficult carriers such as starter fertilizers and hard water. They are also compatible with a variety of tank mix partners including glyphosate.

    So, when you’re recommending the best agronomic solutions for your customers, remember that Vive products make in-furrow and foliar applications less complicated and more effective.